Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Multi select workflow using x++

 I got a requirement to submit multiple records to workflow.

For this, I have created multiple buttons like below.

Submit Code:

#define.WorkFlowTemplateName("Template Name")  
// or -- workFlowTypeStr(Template name)

if (common.WorkflowApprovalStatus == WFApprovalStatus::Draft)
    Workflow::activateFromWorkflowType(#WorkFlowTemplateName, common.RecId, 
	                                'Workflow submitted by button', false, Curuserid());

Approval Code:
WorkflowWorkItemTable   WorkflowWorkItemTable;

// main code
select firstonly WorkflowWorkItemTable
    where workflowWorkItemTable.Type == WorkflowWorkItemType::WorkItem
	&& workflowWorkItemTable.Status == WorkflowWorkItemStatus::Pending // this should be Pending
	&& WorkflowWorkItemTable.RefTableId == tableNum(common)
	&& WorkflowWorkItemTable.RefRecId  == common.RecId;

if (WorkflowWorkItemTable)
							"Mulitple Approve by button", 
							menuitemActionStr("Approve menu item name"));

Reject Code:
WorkflowWorkItemTable   WorkflowWorkItemTable;

// main code
select WorkflowWorkItemTable
    where workflowWorkItemTable.Type == WorkflowWorkItemType::WorkItem
	&& workflowWorkItemTable.Status == WorkflowWorkItemStatus::Pending
	&& WorkflowWorkItemTable.RefTableId == tableNum(Common)
	&& WorkflowWorkItemTable.RefRecId  == common.RecId;

if (WorkflowWorkItemTable)
							    "Mulitple Reject by button", 
							    menuitemActionStr('Reject menu item Name'));

Recall Code:
#define.WorkFlowTemplateName("Template Name")  
// or -- workFlowTypeStr(Template name)

if (common.WorkflowApprovalStatus == WFApprovalStatus::Submitted 
    || common.WorkflowApprovalStatus == WFApprovalStatus::PendingApproval)
    WorkflowCorrelationId	workflowCorrelationId = Workflow::activateFromWorkflowType(#WorkFlowTemplateName, 
                                                                                            'By button RecallAllToWorkflow', 
											    true, Curuserid());
    Workflow::cancelWorkflow(workflowCorrelationId,"Mulitple Recalled by user");

Button Clicked method Code:
    For multi-select, we need to loop the record by record so for that I have used the button clicked. Instead of this, we can create a new class and write in the main method.

void clicked()
    FormDataSource      Common_ds = element.Common_ds;
    Common    	       common    = Common_ds.cursor(); 
    System.Exception    ex;

    next clicked();      

    if (Common_ds.Anymarked())
        for (common = getFirstSelection(Common_ds); common; common = Common_ds.getNext())
	        // call the Approve or submit or Reject code 
		ex = CLRInterop::getLastException().GetBaseException();

I have set the image for the button group using the below properties.

Keep daxing!!

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