Tuesday, May 10, 2022

An exception occured when deserializing a parameters - Exception occurred when parsing and deserializing parameter 'record' - 'Parameter 'record' is not found within the request content body

I  have created the custom service while testing from postman I am getting below error.

"An exception occured when deserializing a parameters - Exception occurred when parsing and deserializing parameter 'record' - 'Parameter 'record' is not found within the request content body"

Used JSON File:


        "ID": "D0001",

        "EffectiveDate": "2022-06-10",

        "IsTrue": "No",

        ''DueDate" :"2022-07-10"


My service class method:

public str getUpdate(MyImportContract contract) { try {     ttsbegin; infolog.clear(); contract.parmType();

       // My code




In the above example, I am directly passing element values I am not giving the reference i.e the reason I .am getting the above error. To rectify this follow the below steps.

Step 1: Need to change the JSON file format.

Step 2: Need to change the logic in the service method.

Getting a single record:

For a single record, no need to change the logic just change the JSON format.



        "record" : {

                            "ID": "D0001",

                            "EffectiveDate": "2022-06-10",

                            "IsTrue": "No",

                            ''DueDate" :"2022-07-10"



// record is a contract class buffer in the service method parameter.

    public str getUpdate(MyImportContract record)

Getting multiple records(list of records):

For this need to change the JSON file format and need to change logic. Need to use the list as a parameter for getting multiple records.



    "record": [


            "ID": "140127-000003",

            "EffectiveDate": "2022-06-05",

            "IsTrue": "Yes",

            "DueDate": "2022-06-05T13:49:51.141Z"





[AifCollectionType('record', Types::Class, classStr(MyContract))] public str getLotUpdate(list record) { try { ttsbegin; ListEnumerator listEnum = record.getEnumerator(); while(listEnum.moveNext()) { infolog.clear(); contract = listEnum.current(); // Logic } } }

Keep Daxing!!

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