Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Postman Set up with D365FO

 Hi guys, Today we will see the steps to setup Postman with D365FO.

Step 1: Create a new application in Azure Platform to Register D365FO.

Step 2: After Registration we nee to copy the client Id and we need to add client id in D365FO.

URL/System administration/Setup/Azure Active Directory applications.

Step 3: Open the Postman and create a new collection. It has been renamed to 'Test API'.

Step 4: Click on Add request to get the token. Copy the 'TenantId' from the Azure portal.


Step 5: Place the above link and select tab Body and click on 'x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'form-data' radio button.

Step 6: Provide below Key and Value details.

Key         Value

client_Id                   ClientID value 

grant_type client_credentials

client_secret Client secret

resource         D365FO Url


scope D365FO Url/.default

audience         D365FO Url

we can use resource or scope, audience.

Step 7: Click on Send button to get the access token.

To test this I am getting the customer groups from D365FO.

Step 8: Click on Add request to get the response.

Add this URL:D365FO url/data/CustomerGroups 

Step 9: Click on Authorization and select Bearer token and copy the access token. Click send button.

Keep Daxing!!

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