- Create an extension of the SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp table and add the fields.
- Copy the post-handler event method of processReport() of the DP class.
- Write the following logic to insert the data into the field:
class SalesInvoiceDPEventHandler { [PostHandlerFor(classStr(SalesInvoiceDP), methodStr(SalesInvoiceDP, processReport))] public static void SalesInvoiceDP_Post_processReport(XppPrePostArgs args) { SalesInvoiceDP dpInstance = args.getThis() as SalesInvoiceDP; SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp tmpTable = dpInstance.getSalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp(); FormLetterRemarks formLetterRemarks; CustPackingSlipJour custPackingSlipJour; ttsbegin; while select forUpdate tmpTable { select firstonly firstfast PackingSlipId from custPackingSlipJour where custPackingSlipJour.SalesId == tmpTable.SalesId; tmpTable.Email = CustTable::find(SalesTable::find(tmpTable.SalesId).CustAccount).email(); tmpTable.DeliveryNote = custPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId; tmpTable.update(); } ttscommit; } }
[ExtensionOf(classstr(SalesInvoiceDP))] final class SalesInvoiceDP_Extension { protected void populateSalesInvoiceTmp(CustInvoiceJour _custInvoiceJour, CustInvoiceTrans _custInvoiceTrans, TaxSpec _taxSpec, CustPaymSchedLine _custPaymSchedLine, CustTrans _prepaymentCustTrans, TaxTrans _prepaymentTaxTrans) { next populateSalesInvoiceTmp(_custInvoiceJour, _custInvoiceTrans, _taxSpec, _custPaymSchedLine, _prepaymentCustTrans, _prepaymentTaxTrans); salesInvoiceTmp.TrackingId = _custInvoiceTrans.salesLine().TrackingId; } protected void populateSalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp(CustInvoiceJour _custInvoiceJour, CompanyInfo _companyInfo) { CustPackingSlipJour custPackingSlipJour; next populateSalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp(_custInvoiceJour, _companyInfo); select firstonly firstfast PackingSlipId from custPackingSlipJour where custPackingSlipJour.SalesId == salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.SalesId; salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.Email = CustTable::find(_custInvoiceJour.InvoiceAccount).email(); salesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.DeliveryNote = custPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId; } }
- You can also use the OnInserting event of the table instead of processReport() of DP class.
- Find out the SalesInvoicereport in the AOT
- Right-click the report and click Duplicate in the project.
- Restore the report data source to get additional fields.
- Customize the design and add fields as per your requirements.
- Create another class named SalesInvoiceControllerExt
which extends the SalesInvoiceController class. Override the main() method. Give the new report and its design name in it. - Add the following logic in the SalesInvoiceControllerExt class:
class SalesInvoiceControllerExt extends SalesInvoiceController { public static SalesInvoiceControllerExt construct() { return new SalesInvoiceControllerExt(); } public static void main(Args _args) { SrsReportRunController formLetterController = SalesInvoiceControllerExt::construct(); SalesInvoiceControllerExt controller = formLetterController; controller.parmArgs(_args); controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoiceExt, Report)); controller.parmShowDialog(false); controller.parmDialogCaption("@SYS22766"); controller.startOperation(); } }
- Create another class named PrintMgtDocTypeHandlersExt.
- Add a method in it that subscribes to the event delegate of the PrintMgmtDocType class.
- Add the following logic in the PrintMgtDocTypeHandlersExt class:
class PrintMgtDocTypeHandlersExt { [SubscribesTo(classstr(PrintMgmtDocType), delegatestr(PrintMgmtDocType, getDefaultReportFormatDelegate))] public static void getDefaultReportFormatDelegate(PrintMgmtDocumentType _docType, EventHandlerResult _result) { switch (_docType) { case PrintMgmtDocumentType::SalesOrderInvoice: _result.result(ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoiceExt, Report)); break; } } }
- Create an extension of the following menu items which executes the report:
- SalesInvoiceOriginal
- SalesInvoiceCopy
- Change the controller class name in extended menu items.
- Save, build, synchronize and deploy.
- AR-> Setup-> Forms ->Form setup -> Genral tab -> print managment(button).
- Right click on Customer invoice and select New.
- In Report format select our custom design.
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